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On Dogs and Diabetes

To the anonymous commenter, “m,” who left, which is not a valid e-mail address, if you would like to criticize me about using Vetsulin for Violet, in a reasonable, non-offensive way, have at it. And please leave a valid…

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On Neighbors Who Make Me Cry

It hasn’t been a good week for horses and me. First, a neighbor who moved away sent me the link to her latest Snapfish album, and in it is a handful of photos from the summer of her 2-year old…

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Animal Person’s “Bulletproof” Theory

Four things were swirling around in my head yesterday: During the Ideal Bite Debrief, Claudio wanted to know “why the idea of granting rights to all sentient beings is so heinous,” and GrizzlyBear’s response was that it’s not heinous–it’s irrational….

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Best Headline Ever

ADVICE: Make your screen either as wide or as narrow as possible. That aligns the photos and makes this post look much better. I have GOT to figure out how to get the photos to stay where I put them…

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In Defense of My Fry-Eating

I vaguely recalled that I had a reason to believe McDonald’s french fries were okay to eat, and I found the whole story (remember the lawsuit by several Hindus resulting in a public apology and $10 million?), for anyone interested….

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On Doctorates, Language and Debates

Wow, that could’ve gone much better. I feel compelled to give Animal Person readers a bit of backstory, here. When I launched Animal Person in May of 2006, I didn’t have my name on it at all. It simply read:…

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Ideal Bite Debrief

First of all, you can see the Clorox commercial at their site, and it’s a bit clearer than it was on my TV, but I still hear “poops.” As for yesterday’s discussion at Ideal Bite–fabulous! Though it’s fine that vegans…

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On Ideal Bite and Cage-Free Eggs

Ideal Bite is a popular website that “offers bite-sized ideas for light green living.” I receive their daily tips by e-mail, and they consist of a factoid about something you buy or do, followed by a list of alternative things…

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A Funny Thing About That Clorox Commercial . . .

In my defense, I had to rewind the Clorox commercial four or five times to be able to discern what the kids were whispering. There’s got to be some kind of Advertising 101 Manual that says having kids whisper, while…

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The Animal Person Minute: On History Repeating Itself

Our photo today is of Emily Fokker Loder, our kitty who’s still alive and content despite her Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP). Next month is our seventh anniversary as a family, which also means it’s been seven years since the neurologist…

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THE JOY OF VEGAN BAKING, by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau of Compassionate Cooks, came just in time for me to begin choosing what I will cook for my unsuspecting non-vegan guests at Thanksgiving. This book is perfect for people who have either…

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