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On “EATING ANIMALS” by Jonathan Safran Foer

I immensely enjoyed “EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED” (even on the big screen) and eagerly anticipated “EATING ANIMALS” (Little, Brown 2009) by Jonathan Safran Foer. His writing is beautiful, though I do have to admit that I haven’t seen “shit” and its…

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Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home Coming to Orlando

From the makers of Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home is finally here! After a successful world premiere screening at the Moondance Film Festival in Boulder CO, where our film won the “Spirit of Moondance” Best…

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Everything in Moderation?

You may recall me writing about TD, my tax-resisting, raw-food eating, no-TV watching, parachuting-into-nuclear reactor(ing?) boyfriend of over 20 years ago. He was particularly talented at the conversation stopper: a succinct response to something that people found so shocking that…

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On Changes in What Americans Are Attending To

I’ve been out of every loop I used to be in because my work outside of veganism and animal rights came a-calling in a most critical way. As a result, for the first time in my life I’ve been living…

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Five-Year Old Shoots 35-Year Old in Head

Check this out . . . It saddens me, and I find it extremely disturbing, that a five-year old child is giddy, and his parents (and the journalists on this program) are so pleased that he killed a 35-40-year…

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