A Christmas Miracle for Project Treadstone
I really wish I had kept track of the dozen-plus people I've spoken with regarding potential help for Project Treadstone. I stopped taking notes after a while, beaten down by all of the similar responses I was getting that rhyme with "We can't (read: won't) help you."
I received a call yesterday from a woman in a county north of me who said I had called her and she said she would see what she could do. Perhaps it was due to the reality that I had already heard that, several times, and my results were exactly zero, that I neglected to document this particular conversation.
This woman has found several vets who will work for a nominal fee, and has agreed to send her spay shuttle-type vehicle to the site of Project Treadstone, for a couple of days or even a week so we can sterilize the cats, give them a rabies shot, tip their ears, and not test them for anything. They'll even microchip them if I want.
I'm not sure what "nominal fee" means, but I'm sure I can raise the money. Of course it's particularly important in this case to get buy-in from the people in the area and get as many people as possible to help trap and do whatever else is needed. I don't know how the recuperation works (do they stay in the shuttle overnight? Remember, I'm very new at this.).
I'll make sure my list of questions is answered and everyone is coordinated and I have reached all stakeholders, and until the actual date I will continue to take two cats/week (I'm back on as of January 8). I'm just amazed that this woman took the initiative to put this together when the cats aren't even in her county (or Town–take that Palm Beach!).
Again, clearly there needs to be a bunch of preparation considering I have access to exactly three traps (and yes, I've ordered one, and several of the women at the building have, as well).
There you have it. In the meantime, the weather is mild (67 at night), the cats are well fed, and they are relatively safe. I'd love to relocate them as they live in several abandoned buildings that were supposed to be demolished years ago and I'm sure it's only a matter of time. The terrible economy has been working for these particular cats, as the development plans in their area have halted. But when anything changes regarding their housing . . . I guess that'll be the next thing I learn how to to.
Thank you to whoever was responsible for this new development.
Generally there isn't room in a spay/neuter van for recuperation. The cats, especially because they are feral, are normally put back in the trap while still under anesthesia.
I'd like to suggest you contact the tnrworks group on yahoo groups. It was formed in 2003 following the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission's rule change regarding feral cats. There are members from across the state, several who have started and are involved with established TNR programs in their part of the state. It is a great resource for individuals getting started with TNR. I'll be happy to email Lynn, the moderator and recommend you.