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International Vegan Initiative

Often, fantastic ideas get potentially buried in the comments and I post about them to prevent them from being neglected. This is one of the reasons I have comments, although you can e-mail me too, and a handful of people do that each day. I’m going to be changing the site a bit today, adding subscriptions to comments and other fun stuff, once I figure it all out.

Today’s daily dose of vegan activism comes from Roger Yates, and it’s a campaign that has text about why we shouldn’t be drinking cow’s milk (entitled, "We are Weaned"), followed by photos of vegans from all over the world. You can learn about the campaign at indymedia ireland, and follow the link to the English version and also a link to Vegan Peace, which is new to me and has some great information and photos, one of which (or an adorable rodent) I might pilfer (with permission and copyright message, of course) for my pamphlet.

Check out the campaign and the links!

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Ellie #

    I've just read the links, and I think "We Are Weaned" is a great idea. Before I became a vegan, I had a hard time giving up milk in coffee, even though I can't digest it. A few years ago I switched to soy milk, and found it's good for me and for cows.

    Roger, I really like your website! What you wrote about the importance of understanding animal rights philosophy has affirmed what I've been trying to convey on this blog.

    October 23, 2007
  2. Roger Yates #

    Thanks for the comments Ellie.

    Just to let people know, the Vegan Peace site is now running again (it was down for a few days recently).

    all the best


    October 30, 2007
  3. Ellie #

    You're welcome 🙂

    October 30, 2007

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