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On David Cantor and the AETA

First, I have no (good) excuse, but I meant to link to Adam's "Ten Questions: David Cantor of RPA" last month, and, well, I didn't. But I'm doing it now and I hope that counts for something.

Here are some highlights:

  • "RPA seeks to establish basic legal & constitutional rights for all sentient beings, starting with personal & ecological sovereignty so that all will live according to their species original nature without human interference. . . . [H]uman rights can’t be fulfilled and big human problems can’t be solved till all sentient beings have basic legal & constitutional rights.
    That’s what I call the political argument for animal rights, rather than only the ethical argument."
  • "The main point is that, despite huge levels of dedication and commitment, an air-tight ethical case, often considerable publicity, and much else going for it, abolitionism doesn’t work – for reasons built into political systems, which in turn are based on how the human mind works, humans’ primate social nature, concepts taught for thousands of years, and other unalterable realities."
  • "As pointed out in the current issue of Responsible Policies for Animals’ newsletter, Thin Ice, 'No fundamental change toward social justice has occurred since information-providing came to rely on advertising. Venues funded by ads pursue popularity, not substance.'" I disagree, by the way, and I'm thinking about Peaceful Prairie's billboards and ads . . . But perhaps he would exclude such things.

Check it out.


Remember way back when the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA) was voted on and Dennis Kucinich was the only person in the Congress who stood up for our rights? Well, now that a new day is upon us, or at least that's what I keep hearing, it's time to abolish the AETA. Bea sent a couple of links:

The holidays are upon us, and I couldn't bring myself to write an annual post on the nauseating Heifter International or Oxfam. (You're welcome. But you can read one that discusses both here.) If you admire David Cantor's work or Will's work, one way to demonstrate that is through a donation. I'm trying to institute a donations-only holiday policy, complete with a list of people/organizations I support. Nothing fancy, no retirement-destroying amounts required.

And nothing to wrap.

4 Comments Post a comment
  1. Nick #

    Donations are always the best gifts.

    December 11, 2008
  2. Thanks for syndicating that interview, Mary. It's never too late to give some attention to the political argument for animal rights as you pointed out. No excuse needed.

    I also disagree with some points of Cantor's which I won't get into here. Though I am interested in his attention to the University as an animal industry-promoting body.

    I didn't know Kucinich stood up against the AETA. With his support of welfarist bills, I wouldn't have been surprised if he had supported it, to be honest.

    December 11, 2008
  3. Dan #

    Abolitionism has only been tried on a small scale. The large organizations focus on welfarism, not abolition. There is insufficent evidence to claim that abolitionism doesn't work. It may or may not work, but until we try on a much larger scale, we'll never know if it works. I don't buy theoretical claims about "the system" or libralism as "reasons" why abolition "doesn't work".

    December 11, 2008
  4. I use the "kiss" method regarding Rights. My little brain reduces everything down to fundamental axioms. If I were religious I would hold these beliefs in the universally accepted commandment (from god) -"no killing". Likewise a government would have the responsibility of protecting *all* (from being killed)… That's it. No footnotes of exclusion according to race/creed, sex, age or species. Simpleton that I am… I'm narrowing such complex issues to one prime value: the right of all beings to exist for their own sake.

    December 14, 2008

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