The Top 10 Gay Nonhuman Animals
One of the many problems of far-right (and medium right, and well, most other right) arguments that are somehow tied to morality, is "it’s just not natural." For instance, homosexuality isn’t natural (according to the right), therefore it is wrong, sickening, morally repugnant, yada, yada, yada.
I’m always thrilled when things happen like, say, the vice president’s daughter is gay. For me, that’s instant karma, and everyone involved had better pay attention (although one particular player appears to be snoozing at his karmic wheel).
In honor of all things natural, it is with pleasure that today I bring you The Top 10 Gay Animals (a mere fraction of the total pool of 500 gay animals) according to Live Science. Without spoiling all the fun, here are some highlights:
- The majority of the animals are mammals. Hmmmm.
- You know those dolphins we’re so fond of because they’re so smart and sweet, and can jump really high through hoops? Guess what?
- Certain chimpanzees–who are considered the closest living relative to humans–are on the list as well as . . .
- A macaque who "takes to homosexual play but tend[s] to leave their partner soon after, making it what we call in the human world a one night stand." It’s nice to know that humans aren’t the only rude animals.
- A male swan (that I didn’t know existed, and trust me, I know water fowl much better than the average person) that must be seen to be believed. I actually checked this one out further because I didn’t believe it. The male gay couples who remain together for years, are known to chase heterosexual couples (or lone females) away from their nests to adopt their eggs. Yeah, just like in the human world where men are dying to parent as much as possible.*
And finally, I can’t contain this one any longer . . .
- THE AMERICAN BISON. "During mating season, males engage in same-sex activities several times a day."
Hereafter, if anyone gives you or anyone you know, any flak about sexual orientation, just remind them that homosexual (and bisexual) activity is present all over the animal world. The only difference between us and them, is that we humans persecute, organize against, and deny that reality (re: anti-gay Republicans who eventually get outted), while it’s just another day on earth for nonhuman animals.
*PS: Sorry about the father thing–that was mean.
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Just click on the link to the original slideshow at Live Science. It's still available.