Why Does Congress Ignore the Real Terrorists?
For the most comprehensive discussion about the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), go to www.stopaeta.org. There, you will find links to the bill, to your representatives, and to the organizations supporting and opposing the AETA. It goes down as you might think; animal protection groups and the ACLU oppose it, and animal-use industries support it. The only surprise is that the Collie Club of America supports it. When you read what they’re for and against, you quickly realize that they aren’t just pro-breeding, they’re also pro-hunting, they were against the Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, and one of the sources for their press releases is the industry front-group, the Center for Consumer Freedom.
Geez, and I thought Lassie was such a peaceful, friendly dog. Talk about negative branding.
While you’re at the STOP AETA site, go to the bottom of the home page and peruse the "Analyses" section. There, you’ll find what in my opinion is the best analogy that demonstrates real terrorism, as opposed to what most animal-rights activists do: the more than 30 years of violence and harassment at US abortion clinics.
STOP AETA asks: Why is there no Abortion Enterprise Terrorism Act?