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Posts from the ‘Gray Matters’ Category

Hal Herzog’s “Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat”

Hal Herzog’s “Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat” (Harper 2011), though fascinating, is ultimately depressing for vegans and animal rights activists. Over at Animal Rights and AntiOppression, we’ve been discussing tactics and sharing our thoughts and experiences…

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On Fighting for “Animal Rights”

Being featured on ARZone’s worldwide Live Guest Chat has reinvigorated my thinking about a couple of topics (here’s the transcript). And then I read the “OMG!!!!!OED!!!!!LOL!!!!!” in today’s New York Times, and I couldn’t resist posting. A couple of years…

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Is Charles with Lars Axl Fokker?

Charles died a week ago today, and if you haven’t seen Deb’s tribute, it’s a must-see and we’re very grateful and humbled by her post as well as all of the e-mails and cards and calls we’ve received. In all…

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My New Favorite RSA Animate

Lessons Learned From 4 Years of Animal Person

I’ve officially been blogging for four years (1,329 posts and 5,441 comments) today, and as I (re)ponder whether I will continue, I’d like to present some lessons I’ve learned about blogging, veganism, people, “the movement,” language and . . ….

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Operation Nix-the-Petting-Zoo

After my long weekend up North I returned to a message from our neighborhood association announcing a picnic on April 11 on the Village Green. We paid a heap of extra money to live on the Village Green, so anything…

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SHAC7 Trailer

SHAC 7 Trailer from Sparrow Media on Vimeo. I credit Will Potter as the catalyst for shifting my focus away from critiques of other activists and activist groups (particularly his post, “While the Government Continues Attacks on Activists, Animal Rights…

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Roger Cohen Realizes Dogs=Pigs, Sort Of

“Dog Days in China” is a small piece with no gruesome slideshow. But it’s also remarkable in that Roger Cohen, a 50-something man who writes for the New York Times, wonders: But do pigs have any more or less of…

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On Wearable “Roadkill”

Angus sent me a link to “Animal Parts: High Style of Just Plain Beastly” wherein Zosia Bielski reports that “hipsters are going whole hog, donning road kill as accessories and cow hooves on their feet.” Several designers, one of whom…

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On Talking With Veterinarians About Vegan Food

We have a request, and it’s an issue I’ve written about a handful of times but never had this particular question answered by readers: How do you talk with your vet–who is against feeding your dog vegan food–about your choice…

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On Food/Lifestyle Disputes At Home

In “Therapists Report Increase in Green Disputes” in the Environment section of today’s New York Times, Leslie Kaufman reports that American households have become a battleground for beliefs about the environment. While no study has documented how frequent these clashes…

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How Do You Deal With Shopping?

There’s an interesting discussion about the frustrations of shopping (“On the Perils of Purchasing”) over at Animal Rights & AntiOppression. If you haven’t stopped by, please do and let me know what your priorities are when shopping, and how you…

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On Dolphins as a Gateway to Animal Rights

My life-as-a-tweeter is less and less significant these days. It’s just not all that interesting to me. Something about jockeying for position in 140 characters or less, rather than interacting and sharing, I guess. I did tweet about “Scientists Say…

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On “That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals”

“That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals: A Book About Vegans, Vegetarians, and All Living Things,” written and illustrated by Ruby Roth, has gorgeous and haunting illustrations. And it gently tells the story of why we shouldn’t eat factory farmed animals….

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Kermie One of the reasons my marriage to a carnivorous Republican worked so well, at least for the first four years, was that he traveled a lot. He unwittingly afforded me the luxury of many weekends spent hanging out with…

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