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Rapist/Killer Calls Himself an Animal

Jerry Buck Inman, admitted rapist and killer (Man Confesses to Killing Student in S.C., AP, by Jacob Jordan, 06/08/06) was asked why he raped and killed. "[A]ll he would say was that he’s a sick animal," said Jefferson County, Tenn., Chief Deputy Sheriff Bob McCoig.

Thanks to Inman, this is the perfect time to raise the question: Why would he call himself an animal? Yes, there are a couple of species that commit what as far as we can tell is rape, but it is Homo sapiens sapiens that does it on a regular basis somewhere in the world. It’s as if Inman is saying he’s not really human–he’s worse.

I recall Donald Rumsfeld and particularly Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (whom I wrote to on several occasions about this) referring to finding the "animals" responsible for 9/11 and bringing them to justice. Now, I know that the nonhuman world is capable of some horrible stuff, but hijacking planes and flying them into buildings to destroy life and property and cripple an economy isn’t on the list.

The most heinous acts on this Earth–particularly within a species–are committed by us. 

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