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UK Man Kills 10,000 Greyhounds

In The Sunday Times (Britain), Daniel Foggo reports that an undercover investigation has led to the uncovering of what has been described as the "canine killing fields."

It turns out that one man, David Smith, and his father before him, has been killing healthy greyhounds that are considered not fast enough to race. He has killed over 10,000 greyhounds with a bolt gun (for a fee), and then dumped them into makeshift graves.

Smith’s clients include 40 licensed trainers, so clearly the industry knows what he’s doing, despite the fact that the industry calls it "disgraceful."

Lest we call the Brits barbarians, below is documentation you can download that describes what we here in the civilized United States have done to greyhounds, just over the past  decade. You’ll find we have our own executioner, who has also shot thousands of dogs (for a fee).

My Gray Matter, which won’t be popular, is: at least we shoot them. Here, unlike in Spain, our intention is to get rid of them, not to torture them.

If owners and trainers aren’t required to care for them, and they are not AT ALL committed to their well being once they aren’t fast enough, isn’t it better to kill them (humanely, by lethal injection)? The ones that are dumped and left to fend for themselves (again, download document below) die heinous deaths.

If we aren’t going to require humane treatment, and in some cases we aren’t even going call greyhounds dogs (like in Kansas, where their Parimutuel Racing Act says that greyhounds aren’t bred as pets, so they shouldn’t fall under pet protection laws. Greyhounds are actually excluded from the designation of dog.), then wouldn’t it be worse to have tens of thousands of starving, injured greyhounds limping around?

Contact Grey2K USA for all things greyhound, including how to help in the effort to ban greyhound racing in the 15 states that haven’t grasped how cruel it is, and think it’s a legitimate way to make money.

Download abuse.pdf

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